“God Knew Your Name”
has been sung at baptisms, weddings, funerals and on Sunday mornings. It has been sung by pre-schoolers, teenagers, and adults. A number of Lutheran churches give a copy of the music video to families as a gift when children are baptized.
One woman at a convention, purchased 10 copies of the video to send to her grandchildren.
One congreation purchased a number of copies of the music video and give them to visitors as gifts. Once you hear this song, you will understand the power that it has to
not only speak to the heart, but to also change it. Recently, a church secretary in Miles City, MT showed the video to a funeral director and his assistant while they were waiting to conduct a
funeral. When the music video ended, both men were crying. She gave them her copy of the music video, her CD and her sheet music.
A large congregation in Ohio plays the music video on the video projection screens before baptisms. The pastor has learned to wait for people to stop crying before he begins the baptismal service.
And what are the tears all about? For some it is the remembrance of a lost lo ved one and the sorrow that came with that loss. For others it is the joy of knowing that their
loved is resting in the arms of Jesus Christ. And for others, it is the realization that someday their Lord and Savior will also say to them, “You were one of mine, I loved
you for all time for I knew your name.”